
Wave Energy

The Wave Dragon Prototype in Nissum Bredning Since 1997 we have been involved in the development of wave energy, primarily in connection with the development of the offshore wave energy converter Wave Dragon.

Click here to see photos of the Wave Dragon.

You can also visit the official homepage for the Wave Dragon 1:4.5 project.

Our involvement in Wave Energy began in 1997 with the completion of an EU Exploratory Award that enabled an EU Joule Craft project with a total budget of 1 mill. Euro.
In 2000 a project was established, involving the design, production and testing of a model of an axial turbine, with focus on the special operation conditions available at the Wave Dragon. This project had a budget of 260,000 Euros and was supported by the Danish Wave Energy Program, and the EU Joule Craft program. The project was completed in 2001.

From 2000 - 2003 we were involved in 'The European Thematic Network on Wave Energy', a project funded through the EU ENERGIE program.

The project incorporated 14 of the most prominent European wave energy institutions and provided analysis of technical, economic and legal barriers to large scale exploitation of wave energy in Europe.

We were task leaders on development of a safety standard for wave power conversion systems, technical barriers, environmental impact, and planning considerations.

Since 2004 we are involved in 'The Research Thematic Network WAVETRAIN', a project funded by the EC.

H.C. Soerensen acts as external consultant for the Danish Wave Energy Association.

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