
Development of an Axial Turbine for Wave Dragon

Siphon type turbine for Wave Dragon scale 1:3.5
In 2000 a scale 1:3.5 project was established, involving the design, production and testing of a model of an axial turbine, with focus on the special operation conditions available at the Wave Dragon.

This project had a budget of 260,000 Euros, and was supported by the Danish Wave Energy Program, the EU Joule Craft program and the companies involved. The project was completed 2001.

The scientific participants were:

  • SPOK Consult/H.C. Soerensen - project coordination and regulation strategy.
  • Veteran Kraft - Turbine designer Sweden - Turbine design and regulation.
  • Technical University Munich Germany - Turbine design and regulation.
  • Löwenmark F.R.I - Consulting Engineering Denmark/Erik Friis-Madsen - Inventor.
  • Kössler - Turbine manufacturer Austria - Turbine design, regulation and feasibility

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